Call Flow Diagram
Here is an example of the SIP3 Call Flow Diagram
which allows to analyze a call as a sequence diagram. It’s the key feature of a Call Details Widget.

The diagram visualizes cryptic information about the call and represents it as a combination of call events between participants.
Both SIP Events
and Media Events
are placed in chronological order.
Keep in mind, that each Media Event stay in place on scroll between its start and finish timestamp in the call.
SIP Events
Each SIP Event
has short info about its method and timestamp. If you hover a SIP Event
, all sip events, that belongs to the same transaction highlights.

The more detailed info is shown on event click and looks like this:

Ctrl/Cmd + click on event opens all messages for selected SIP transaction |
Each SIP Event
timestamp is clickable and cycles through Absolute
, Delta
and Relative
time on each mouse click.
There is another way to change timestamps settings from call flow sidebar menu, and it’s discussed later in this manual. |
Media Events
Each Media Event
has info about its codecs and r-factor value.

The Media Quality Widget is shown on event click.

Call Flow Sidebar
Also, the Call Flow
interface has sidebar, where all main controls live.

The Call Flow
sidebar has a Display settings
and Time settings
All settings and controls are going to be placed inside the call flow sidebar. Follow us on twitter to keep up to date with latest and greatest additions to the controls of the call flow diagram. |
Display Settings
The Display Settings
control allow selecting different legs. All Legs are grouped by leg type:
The selection affects which legs are shown on the call flow diagram and which legs are exported as a PNG and PCAP from the Export
dropdown. Also, the control shows info about leg’s Call ID on hover.

Selection Logic
Action | Result |
Single click on a selected leg |
Leg is deselected. |
Single click on a non-selected leg |
Leg is selected. |
Single click on a selected group |
All legs of this group are deselected. |
Single click on a partially selected group |
All legs of this group are selected. |
Single click on a non-selected group |
All legs of this group are selected. |
Ctrl/Cmd + click on a leg |
Only this leg is selected. All other will be deselected. |
Ctrl/Cmd + click on a group |
Only legs of this group are selected. All other will be deselected. |
If no leg will be selected, previous selection choice will be applied. |
Time Settings
The Time Settings
control allow changing timestamps type of all events, except the first and the last one.
Time setting | Explanation |
Absolute time |
A timestamps displays the "real" time. |
Delta time |
A timestamp of any given event displays the time from previous event. |
Relative time |
A timestamp of any given event displays time from the first event. |