SIP3 software News
It so happened that we have released three releases of the SIP3 software releases and are now releasing only one press release.
Traditionally, each release includes performance, security, and functionality improvements. Here we will briefly talk about new features that our customers have asked for or that the SIP3 team has considered necessary to provide to all users of the platform.
Brief technical notes broken down by SIP3 software components can be found on the documentation portal
So, below we describe the new features that our users are already loving.
User Interface to work with stored configurations
It is now possible to create and edit configurations of the SIP3 Hoof, Captain and Salto components via the UI.
Initially and now, SIP3 is focused on machine deployment and work in the Infrastructure as a Сode approach. This involves configuring components via configuration files and environment variables, deployment via tools such as Ansible and Terraform.
Now, SIP3 system administrators have an additional opportunity to change component configurations via the web interface and view the combined configuration. Work via the command line console is preserved, but a view on the web interface is added.
SIP3 component configurations can be specified via templates and inherit templates for components. In this case, similar components will have a common configuration, and only specific parameters of a particular component will be specified in the child configuration.
For example, there are 4 central Salto components that process traffic collected by Captain agents. The Salto pair processes REGISTER traffic, the other two process INVITE traffic. In this case, everyone will have a common configuration. Salto will have different transaction processing parameters for REGISTER and INVITE. Each Salto will have its own configurations – the address where they receive information from Captain.
The same configuration functionality is available for Captain. It is especially important to note here that Captain instances can receive their entire configuration at startup from Salto – this allows you to control and configure a branched network of traffic capture and preprocessing agents in one interface. You can conveniently change the configuration, reboot Captain from the user web interface.
Multiply values in Custom Search Results for user-defined columns
To optimize the workstations of customer support staff, the SIP3 system has long included a Custom Search feature (originally with two options – Simple for helpdesk staff and Advanced for engineers). Later, Custom Search was further enhanced.
We have improved the Custom Search functionality. Users can add values from different call legs into a single column within the Custom Search layout.
This functionality is available through the SIP3 Hoof component configuration and can be modified by an administrator via the UI.
Advanced error processing for calls with invalid data
SIP is an open standard and, in fact, a whole family of protocols. However, in practice, software from different vendors does not always produce messages that comply with RFC specifications. In cases where incorrect data is received during the processing of a technology transaction that cannot be processed, SIP3 now issues a warning to the user.
There can also be RTP encoding errors occurring at the transcoding level or within subsystems that form the stream, which can prevent proper display and trigger warnings for the user.
Despite these challenges, the SIP3 system works to ensure calls are displayed correctly and strives to minimize any inconvenience to the user.
Export to JSON for calls to share data with SIP3 support
To enhance the support process for SIP3 software users, we have introduced a new feature to streamline communication regarding calls that may cause display issues. If a specific call cannot be displayed, users can now save all data related to the particular technological exchange group in either JSON or PСAP format. This generated file can then be sent to SIP3 technical support for analysis and recommendations.
Failing to screen a call on a closed network is uncommon, typically happening when new call-handling hardware or software is introduced. However, in VoIP networks that manage traffic from interconnect partners or various types of client equipment, such issues may arise more often. These problems are typically caused by significant errors in the exchange protocol implementation during call setup or while the call is active
Recording Tasks management from UI
Allows you to specify call recording tasks via the UI, based on a simple or advanced filter.
Scenarios in which recording is required can also be configured via the user interface. For example, recording can only start for a call whose quality is declining or the connection duration begins to exceed the configured number of seconds.
Recording can be performed in the GDPR-compatible format, without directly recording the content and voice itself, but with all the technological RTP exchange – this allows you to solve the problems of analyzing problematic situations without violating the confidentiality of communications.
Components versioning in the Component list
The list of SIP3 components now displays the versions of connected Captain and Salto. In large-scale environments, including automatically deployed ones, this allows you to see the versions of running components and plan updates.
In the component screen, administrators can edit configurations and reboot Captain data collection agents.
To form a correct picture of the interaction of subsystems that process each specific call, time synchronization on the VoIP infrastructure nodes is important.
Now SIP3 clearly displays the difference in time on the nodes where Captain and Salto are working – administrators can identify and eliminate possible time discrepancies, which will greatly improve call correlation and the calculation of key technical indicators.
Additionally, displays of extended technical characteristics of the registration time of Captain agents on Salto nodes and the time of the last heartbeat activity have been added.
Check out the quality of the program code execution on the open version of SIP3, so as not to have any doubts and start using our software –
Write to us if you need support or are interested in a commercial version with advanced functionality.
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