Key Features

SIP3 is an open source solution for troubleshooting and real-time monitoring of VoIP-network based systems. Its scalable architecture and easy to use web interface make it possible to quickly analyse end-to-end call correlation. The SIP3 advanced search feature reduces significantly the time spent by support teams detecting and troubleshooting customer issues.

SIP3 helps service providers and telecom operators to reduce operational costs, while increasing systems up time and staying on top of their service quality.

Captain is a capturing agent and data adapter responsible for handling and encapsulating different protocols and sending data to Salto.

Twig is an API engine which does tons of heavy lifting in SIP3. Every time you send search query it makes good amount of aggregations to correlate calls related data.

Salto is the beating heart of the SIP3 platform - scalable and high performance event driven pipeline (based on Vert.x project which implements multi-reactor pattern) capable to send useful payload to various components and integration endpoints.

Hoof is a user friendly interface that powers up features like "Advanced search" and is customisable for any of your business needs.

Community and Enterprise Component Features

Captain Community Enterprise
Capturing: WinPcap/libpcap
Capturing: DPDK Beta
Protocols: SIP
Protocols: ICMP, RTCP/RTP Beta
Extra Protocols: SS7/CAP/ISUP, e.t.c
Payload: Encryption
Payload: Compression Beta
Distribution: Docker
Distribution: Ansible Beta Beta
Custom Distribution: Chef, Puppet, e.t.c
Salto Community Enterprise
Datasources: SIP3 Captain
Datasources: HEPv3
Extra Datasources: CDRs, Logs, e.t.c
Protocols: SIP
Protocols: ICMP, RTCP/RTP Beta
Extra Protocols: SS7/CAP/ISUP, e.t.c
Service Metrics: RFC 6076
Service Metrics: Media QoS Beta
Custom Service Metrics
Distribution: Docker
Distribution: Ansible Beta Beta
Custom Distribution: Chef, Puppet, e.t.c
Twig Community Enterprise
API: Search
API: Hosts
API: Metrics
Authorization: OAuth, LDAP, e.t.c
Distribution: Docker
Distribution: Ansible Beta Beta
Custom Distribution: Chef, Puppet, e.t.c
Hoof Community Enterprise
Simple search
Advanced search
Technical dashboard
Business dashboard
HostMap dashboard Beta
Custom dashboards
Distribution: Docker
Distribution: Ansible Beta Beta
Custom Distribution: Chef, Puppet, e.t.c


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8 The Green, Suite #7404, Dover, DE 19901        +1-302-703-0026